Great Britain is composed of three countries: England, Scotland and Wales
United Kingdom . It's the union of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 
the European Union 
the United States of America Born in the USA (song by Bruce Springsteen)
British Broadcasting Corporation 
world wide web
Federal Bureau of Investigation (Washington D.C. , district of Columbia)
Short Message Service 
Frequently Asked Questions
Unidentified Flying Object
(flying saucers)
The Taj-Mahal has been included on unesco's world heritage list
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation 
International Criminal Police Organization
It's the world's largest international police organization with 186 member countries 
International Network : internet est un réseau informatique mondial 
AM (ante meridiem): before noon Every morning I get up at 7 am
PM (post meridiem): after noon I leave my office at 5 pm
Augustus was the first emperor of the Roman Empire : he ruled from 27 BC ( before Christ)
until his death in 14 AD (anno domini)
In 1948 M. Cerdan became a world champion, he beat Tony Zale by a KO (Knock Out)
IQ = Intelligence Quotient بهره هوشي – ضريب هوشي
ID = Identification كارت شناسايي
سي دي – ديسك فشرده CD = Compact Disc
دي وي دي DVD = Digital Video-Disc / Digital Versatile Disc
درجه دكتري PhD = Doctor of philosophy
ISO = International Organization for Standardization
ايزو – سازمان جهاني استاندارد
بخش مراقبت هاي ويژه ICU = Intensive Care Unit
AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
بيماري ايدز- سندرم ازبين برنده امنيت دفاعي بدن
ISBN = International Standard Book Number
شماره استاندارد بين المللي كتاب
OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
اوپك- سازمان كشورهاي صادركننده نفت
IRNA = Islamic Republic News Agency
ايرنا – خبرگزاري جمهوري اسلامي
ISNA = Iranian Student News Agency
ايسنا – خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران
آزمون تافل TOEFL = Test of English as a Foreign Language
آزمون آيلتس IELTS = International English Language Testing System
UNESCO = United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
يونسكو – سازمان آموزش علمي وفرهنگي ملل متحد
UNICEF = United Nations Children’s Fund / United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
يونيسف – صندوق اضطراري سازمان ملل متحدبراي كودكان
شماره شناسايي شخصي PIN = Personal Identification Number
SIM card = SIM is the abbreviation of Subscriber Identification Modul
مدل شناسايي مشتركنظرات شما عزیزان: